Blinx Patient FAQs
What is Blinx?
Blinx is a digital online consultation tool. We have chosen to use this to allow patients to access us digitally. Blinx is the name of the company that runs the tool.
Do I need an account?
No you do not need to register for an account. You just need your NHS number and your Date of birth.
What if I don’t know my NHS number?
Your NHS number can be found on your paper prescriptions, hospital letters or in the NHS app. If you don’t have any of these things there is a link on the Blinx page which can guide you to the NHS Number finder. www.nhs.uk/find-nhs-number
This is an NHS service which will then send you an SMS or email with your NHS Number.
How can I book an appointment with the GP using Blinx?
As we have now moved over to total triage requests for GP appointments will first be looked at by a GP. You can make your request through Blinx. Once you have selected the option you require through and filled in the form this will be sent straight to the GP. The GP will then decide who you need to see and when and will communicate this with you via SMS, Email or Phone call. At the moment you cannot book appointments yourself unless the GP sends you a link to book one.
Why do I need to fill in a form? Why can’t I just book an appointment?
To make sure that every patient sees the right person the first time we have implemented total triage. All requests for GP appointments now require a patient to fill in a form giving as much information about the problem as possible. This means the GP can make the best decision for you and when you need to be seen. As the GP is trained in making these decisions it means that we will have less inappropriate bookings and patients will not have to see multiple clinicians before getting the help they need.
How do I book a blood test?
If you have been invited to book a blood test or a GP has advised you to have one please call reception to book this. If you have not yet seen a GP then fill in a form through Blinx to ask the GP to approve your request for having a blood test.
How do I book a nurse appointment?
There is a nurse request button available for some things on Blinx. Please fill in the relevant form and someone will get back to you with an appointment as soon as possible. If you need to see the nurse about something not available on Blinx then please call and speak to our receptionists
What else can I do on Blinx?
You can submit admin requests such as letter requests, sick certificate requests, ask for help with a referral query, ask for access to your medical record, request repeat medications and much much more. We will be adding more options as time goes on.
Why has my secure code not come through?
Sometimes, depending on the network, it might take a little while for the secure code to come through to your phone or email. We ask you to please wait 5 minutes before clicking on the retry button. If this still does not come through within 20 minutes please call the practice and ask them to check your contact details and then fill in the form on your behalf.
Can I make a request for my child or someone I care for?
Yes you can. Please ensure you enter their date of birth and NHS number. You will need access to the mobile number or email address listed on their clinical record to access the secure code. If you do not have this you will need to call reception and ask them to fill in the form on their behalf.
What if I do not have access to the internet or I don’t understand how to use Blinx?
Please be assured our phone lines are still open 8am-6:30pm Monday to Friday. Our trained receptionists are able to fill in the form on your behalf whilst on the phone to you.
Can I still use the NHS app or Patient Access?
Yes you can still use the apps to request prescriptions, view test results and view your medical record. Blinx is there to support you in accessing the practice for requests you cannot make in the NHS App or Patient Access?
Will I receive reminders about my appointments?
Once you have been booked an appointment you will receive an SMS or email reminder. In this reminder you can cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Continue to use your NHS APP to Order Repeat Medication and View your Records
For repeat medication request or to view your records continue to use your NHS App . For more information about signing up for the NHS app please click Online Services – Cedars Medical Centre (cedarsmedicalcentre.nhs.uk).